Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Strengthen lungs at home with these tips

People often overlook keeping their lungs whole and well. Since the start of the pandemic, more individuals have been trying to take better care of themselves. Boosting the immune system and improving lung capacity have become a priority. Dr. Lisa M. Cannon shares on this post the best ways to keep lungs strong and healthy.
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Avoid smoking. It has long been established that smoking increases a person’s risk of having respiratory problems such as asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, COPD, and lung cancer. Exercise is integral in keeping the lungs in tip-top shape. Regular workout ensures that the heart is strong and the lungs are healthy. Having strong lungs helps a person’s body hold out against aging and sickness.

Check your posture in order to give the lungs enough space. Sitting tall and trying to reach above the head ensure the lungs are given room. The lungs have a mucosal lining that should be kept thin for the lungs to perform effectively. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day. Laugh more to engage the abdominal muscles and improve lung capacity. According to pulmonologist Dr. Lisa M. Cannon, laughing removes stale air from the body, which permits fresh air to fill the parts of the lungs.

During these times, it is best to stay home to avoid air pollutants and viruses. With more industries reopening, it can be tempting to go out and enjoy a little bit of freedom. However, only go to public areas when it is necessary, and avoid staying out of the house too long to reduce the risk of catching the virus.

Dr. Lisa M. Cannon earned her medical degree from New York College of Medicine and her fellowship in pulmonary disease, critical care, and sleep medicine from Mount Sinai Hospital. Get quick updates from Dr. Lisa M. Cannon by following her on Twitter.